
  • marijuana addiction THC

More Potent Marijuana Causing Worldwide Addiction

More potent marijuana is causing addiction worldwide, according to new research. People are lighting up everywhere from California to Washington DC through medical marijuana programs and recreational use. Canabiss has never been more accessible, and it’s becoming a mainstream addiction. THC levels are also stronger than ever, and it appears that more people than ever

  • dr writing marijuana prescription

OH Wants to List Opioid Use Disorder for Medical Marijuana Use

On September 8, 2018, Ohio will be implementing their first medical marijuana program. The program will help dispense marijuana as pain relief to people with health conditions such as fibromyalgia, and inflammatory bowel disease are already approved for the program, but addiction experts have doubts about its effectiveness treating other addiction While some wellness advocates

2018-09-03T00:59:33+00:00Tags: , , , |
  • vaping oil

Synthetic Drug Vaping Oil Causes Army to Issue Health Warning

The US Army issued a public health warning for synthetic drugs last week in response to what they view as a public health emergency. Vaping oil, marketed as synthetic cannabinoids, has caused hospitalizations in several branches of the military. They say that these drugs are responsible for at least 60 hospitalizations in the past year

2018-02-12T15:10:00+00:00Tags: , , , , , , , |
  • synthetic marijuana maker also makes synthetic fentanyl

Synthetic Marijuana Approved, But Drugmaker Controversial

While the federal government has been relentlessly chasing down drugs that purport to be “fake marijuana”, one synthetic marijuana manufacturer has been given the green light to manufacture their own formula. Named Syndros, the drug meant as a treatment for AIDS-related anorexia and rid cancer patients of the nausea and vomiting they experience when undergoing

2017-04-12T18:08:30+00:00Tags: , , , , , , , |
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