
  • hospital waiting room with empty chairs

US Federal Attorneys Halt Safe Injection Sites in PA

A nonprofit organization named Safehouse has drawn fire from federal prosecutors, who have finally made good on their threats of taking action to shut it down. Last Wednesday, February 6, prosecutors filed a civil lawsuit cooperatively with the Department of Justice. Safehouse provides a place for drug users to inject their drugs “safely,” in the

2019-02-08T19:03:45+00:00Tags: , , , , , , |
  • young adults

Heroin, Opioid Use in Young Adults Drops But Other Drug Use Goes Up

Heroin use has dropped dramatically among young adults in the past year, according to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration on Friday, the report also showed that young people are abusing prescription opioids less as well. In 2015, SAMHSA estimated 8.5 percent

2018-09-16T17:25:56+00:00Tags: , , , , |
  • addiction and hep C

NY’s “Hidden Epidemic” of Hep C Caused by Opioid Use

Hepatitis C is one of the deadliest diseases in the United States, mostly because it causes first cirrhosis of the liver and then complete liver failure. Sadly, the rates in New York have reached proportions that have caused the health department to declare the disease’s spread as a “hidden epidemic.” Officials say the increases in

2018-03-22T15:18:21+00:00Tags: , , , , , , |
  • heroin vaccine

Heroin Vaccine? It’s Being Worked On

A heroin vaccine? It’s closer than we think. A vaccine that has been formulated to help block the effects of heroin in mice and rats in proving effective for researchers, and will pave the way for formulating a similar vaccine for humans, according to the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Developed between researchers with the U.S.

2017-12-27T23:27:02+00:00Tags: , , , |
  • fentanyl becomes more dangerous as its use grows

Fentanyl Abuse Becomes More Common, Posing Many Dangers

Fentanyl sales are becoming more common across the US as well as North America as a substitute for heroin and other opiates, leading to disastrous results. The medical painkiller that is 50 times stronger than heroin, which often leaves even experienced drug users in a state of overdose. Overdoses are difficult to counteract with opioid-reversing

2017-01-18T21:27:21+00:00Tags: , , , |
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