
  • Er doctors and Sublocade

ER Doctors Still Avoid Prescribing Sublocade to OD Victims

Medication-Assisted Treatment, also known as MAT, is considered the golden standard in treatment for opioid addiction. The federal government has encouraged the use of MAT, including Suboxone, Sublocade, and Methadone, in people with opioid use disorder (OUD). Yet studies show that doctors who work in the Emergency Room are reluctant to supply people with OUD

2020-05-21T16:43:39+00:00Tags: , , , , , , , |
  • doctors learning about pain management

FDA Wants Doctors Educated on Opioids, Pain Management

FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb wants doctors to learn in-depth about prescribing opioids. It may seem like a no-brainer, and a lot of addiction advocates have wondered why few doctors learn adequate pain management techniques in med school. When it comes to prescribing medications, doctors often look for the most obvious problems with the drugs as

2018-04-12T18:10:14+00:00Tags: , , , , |
  • pill mills

NY Plays Whack-a-Mole with Pill Mills

Last week, Dr. Ernesto Lopez, from Long Island, New York, alongside his assistant and nurse practitioner were all arrested for a familiar scheme; they’re accused of operating several locations of their practices as pill mills. All three face 20 years in prison for writing what authorities say were millions of dollars worth of fake prescriptions

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