
  • living with liver disease

MAT For Alcohol Use Disorder Reduces Liver Disease Harm

Medication-Assisted Treatment, also known as MAT, is considered the gold standard for opioid use disorder treatment. Less known is that effective and safe medication is available for Alcohol Use Disorder. The research followed three medications for AUD: acamprosate, disulfiram, and naltrexone. All patients observed in the study were using these drugs, which showed it lowered

  • addiction and hep C

NY’s “Hidden Epidemic” of Hep C Caused by Opioid Use

Hepatitis C is one of the deadliest diseases in the United States, mostly because it causes first cirrhosis of the liver and then complete liver failure. Sadly, the rates in New York have reached proportions that have caused the health department to declare the disease’s spread as a “hidden epidemic.” Officials say the increases in

2018-03-22T15:18:21+00:00Tags: , , , , , , |
  • poor with heart disease

Research Connects Poverty, Alcohol to Heart Disease

Research from a Norweigan study reveals that low-income people who drink daily are more likely to suffer from heart attacks and other forms of heart disease. The Alcohol Consumption Study The researchers divided their subjects by economic class and education before commencing the study. They discovered that people in middle and upper social classes who

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